Cooperativismo em assentamentos de reforma agrária: a sobrevivência de cooperativas do MST no contexto capitalista.




This thesis has as objective to make a comparative study of cases between cooperatives of agrarian production - CPAs in agrarian reform settlements in the state of São Paulo and the state of the Rio Grande Do Sul, being analyzed the process of creation, development and limits taxes to the these cooperatives, verifying its internal organization of the production and the work and as this factor contributes for the success or economic and social failure of these cooperatives. We understand as failure those cooperatives that pass for difficulties of generation of income and consequence dissolution and as success those cooperatives whose factors economic and social they are not only seen as an end, but as a way for its growth. We leave of the principle of that a differentiation between the Traditional Cooperatives exists - that they function, over all, as capital society, or either, maximizes chances and reaches a similar economic rationality to the ones of the too much capitalist companies through technological, financial and organizacional mechanisms, increasing its production essentially in relation to the market, accumulating and centering capital without the main concern with social justice; and the selected ones for the development of this thesis of, the cooperatives of agrarian production - CPAs in agrarian reform settlements - that they function, above of everything, as a society of people. This type of organization of production and work possess character and socialist inspiration and if it characterizes for presenting a differentiated management, based in the historical principles of the cooperativismo. The organizations managed for itself same congregate majority or totality diligent agricultural in conditions of exercise of the collective ownership of the means of production, where the work associated it is organized by means of planning and determined collective norms and the results of the production are distributed on the basis of the participation of the work of each associate. As well as the traditional cooperatives, the CPAs of agrarian reform searchs the efficiency, however such efficiency is submitted to the logic of the social inclusion, of the preservation of the ranks of work and fight for the agrarian reform. We intend to answer which are the determinative factors of economic and social success of CPAs in agrarian reform settlements in São Paulo and the Rio Grande Do Sul and as the internal organization of the production and of the work of these cooperatives it contributes for this result.


engenharia de producao relações interorganizacionais organization of the production and the process of work processo de trabalho agrarian reformation cooperativismo solidary economy organização interna da produção cooperatives of agrarian production cooperativas de produção agropecuária cooperativismo

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