Correlação entre a produção gasosa de água, hidroxila, monóxido de carbono e a magnitude heliocêntrica do Cometa C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) / Correlation between the gas production of water, hydroxyl, carbon monoxide and the heliocentric magnitude of the Comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The purpose of the present work is to study the correlation between the gas production rates and heliocentric magnitudes of comet C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp), in the pre-perihelion phase as well as in the post-perihelion phase. The evolutions of magnitudes and gas production rates of H2O (water), OH (hydroxil radical) and CO (carbon monoxide), along the approach to and leave of the comet from the Sun, are analyzed. For this analysis, we used 11,734 visual magnitude estimates, extracted from ICQ (International Comet Quarterly) and 88 observations of carbon monoxide (Biver, private communication (2007); DiSanti et al. (2001); Jewitt et al. (1996)), covering the range of heliocentric distances from rh = 7.464 AU (in the pre-perihelion phase) to rh = 14.070 AU (in the post-perihelion phase). It is shown that the activity of Hale-Bopp (average surface temperature ~ 110 K) beyond 6.3 AU from the Sun is controlled by CO emission (sublimation temperature ~ 24 K) rather than by H2O (sublimation temperature ~ 152 K). This result is consistent with millimeter-wave observations of Biver et al. (1996) and Jewitt et al. (1996), made at 6.5 AU.


correlação correlation hale-bopp hale-bopp cometa comet

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