Correlative Studies of Cell Wall Enzymes and Growth 1


If cell wall hydrolytic enzymes are involved in extension growth, a correlation may be expected between hydrolytic activity of the cell walls and growth rate of the tissue from which the walls are prepared. Epicotyl sections from 0 to 5 mm, 6 to 10 mm, and 11 to 15 mm below the apical hook of pea seedlings (Pisum sativum var. Alaska) have relative growth rates of 100:15:2, respectively. The relative β-glucosidase activities (units/mg wall) of cell walls from these sections are respectively, 100:24:23, for walls prepared in glycerol and 100:42:23 for walls prepared in aqueous solution. Thus, there is a correlation between growth rate of the tissue and specific activity of the wall-associated β-glucosidase. Similar correlations were found for other cell wall-associated hydrolases.

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