Crenças em estratégias de aprendizagem de línguas (inglês) de alunos de cursos de letras




This study aims at investigating the Language Learning Strategies and the beliefs of ten students from the courses of Letters at two colleges, a private and a public one. The objective is to investigate the beliefs of these subjects about Foreign Language Learning Strategies (English) and verify how these beliefs can influence the English Language Learning through what they say and what they do. This is a qualitative-interpretative research in which the following procedures for data collection were used: questionnaires, interviews, class observations followed by audio-visual recording and field note and diaries. The results show that the students use several Cognitive and Memorizations Direct LLS and just few Indirect LLS. At college A, the subjects beliefs on the importance of getting enough grades to pass without hard study affect the way they use LLS and their learning. At college B, the absence of Affective LLS affects the oral production. The subjects beliefs on English Language learning reflect the teachers learning-teaching approaches and the contexts where they studied during their lives. We also note that the learners actions do not ever match with their beliefs.


beliefs formação de professores em pré-serviço linguistica aplicada pre-service teachers education estratégias de aprendizagem de línguas language learning strategies crenças english/foreign language inglês/língua estrangeira

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