Cultura de participação e interação em organizações industriais : estudo de caso no setor de telematica




The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between the adoption and diffusion of some principies and practices of management (based on the japanese "model") and the establishment of a firm culture oriented towards participation and consensus. A case study was carry out in a Brazilian firm that deals with information and telecommunication technologies.It was found that the developed culture is the result of ao interactive process among the actors and between the actors and the structure ofthe firmo It depends upon some elements like formal education levei, socio-ocupational identity and the interpretation of the present national labor market situation. The study also points out the possibilities and limitations of participant administration and its relation with the model of interaction acting in this kind of high-tech industry. Finally, it identifies a qualitative pattem of interaction different from the one in other industrial sectors like metallurgical and mechanical industries


cultura organizacional industria de alta tecnologia - brasil organização industrial - brasil administração de empresas

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