De beata vita de Santo Agostinho : uma reflexão sobre a felicidade




This dissertation, De Beata Vita of St. Augustine: a reflection on happiness is an approach based on the Augustinian thought about a happy life. Augustine, after a very intense intellectual, moral and religious crisis, plunged into a deep anxiety. When he reads St. Pauls letters, he realizes that all this projects have crumbled, and decides to renounce all the social ambitions he had desired so fiercely to achieve and resigns from his position as a rector. This is the beginning of his conversion to Christianity! In the autumn of year 386, Augustine retreats to a farm owned by his friend Verecundo in Cassiciaco, near Milan. He takes a small group of friends and relatives with him. His time is divided into periods of prayer, meditation and philosophical and religious discussions from these reflections one of his first books was born, De Beata Vita. This dissertation was divided into: Introduction: explains that the book intends to be a historical and cultural contextualization of that time, in order to better place the Augustinian thought. To acknowledge which philosophical and theological influences were absorbed by Augustine. First Chapter: The personal trajectory of Augustine until his conversion to Christianity. Second Chapter: The thought underlying the book De Beata Vita and its subdivisions. The preface contains the navigation allegory emphasizing philosophy as indispensable for human happiness. Only philosophy is capable of taking us to the margins of a happy life. The sequence of the text is then divided into three days of discussion about happiness. During the first two days, Augustine leads the debate, aimed at finding a personal definition of how to conceive a happy life. On the third day he presents a lengthy report about the passage from the philosophic wisdom to the divine wisdom, incarnated in the Son of God. Monica, his mother, whose faith many times surpassed in terms of intelligence the philosophers science, closes the dialogue in a way that surprises Augustine himself. She recognizes the Trinity within the Christian faith. With a prayer to One and Triune God, the dialogue is finished. Augustine is the last of the ancient philosophers and the first medieval philosopher to arrive at a spectacular conciliation of faith and reason, synthetized in this axiom: Credo ut intelligam et intelligo ut credam! The happiness theme may be found in many others works by Augustine.


padres da igreja felicidade agostinho, santo, bispo de hipona filosofia

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