Depression of liver metabolism and induction of cytokine release by diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and pertussis vaccines: role of Bordetella pertussis cells in toxicity.


A 24-h pretreatment of mice with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids and whole-cell pertussis vaccines depressed liver cytochrome P-450 and therefore prolonged hexobarbital-induced sleeping time in mice. The depression of liver drug metabolism by a cellular vaccine containing a mutated pertussis toxin was less marked than that induced by the wild-type vaccines, indicating that the mutated vaccine might have lower toxicity in this regard. The wild-type vaccines decreased microsomal P-450 levels by 50%, while the mutated whole-cell vaccine had a less marked effect (a decrease of 30%), paralleling the results obtained in sleeping time experiments. Furthermore, an acellular mutated vaccine did not affect liver drug metabolism, indicating a role of the whole bacterial cell in this side effect. All the cellular vaccines studied induced high serum interleukin-6 levels; on the other hand, the acellular mutated vaccine induced very low interleukin-6 levels, indicating that the whole bacterial cell is also important for interleukin-6 induction. All vaccines studied were very poor tumor necrosis factor inducers.

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