Desenvolvimento de protocolo de classificação de resíduos sólidos




The present study was conducted at the Solid Waste Laboratory (LARESO) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, which is included in the research program entitled: #Environmental Assessment of Waste#. This study deals with the protocol proposal on the solid waste classification. This proposal is justified by the necessity of a protocol that makes up for the flaws existing at the NBR 10.004 # Solid Waste Classification, in the restricting demands in relation to the environmental quality as well as in the appearance of new polluting sources, due to the growing number of new products developed at the industry. This study was devised with the objective of contributing to a systematic procedure proposal, and to an easy implementation and interpretation for the solid waste classification. Thus, it was necessary to analyze the Brazilian code, its structure, its terminology, and its adopted procedures deeply. The development of this study consisted of a profound review of the literature on the following themes: standardization, waste classification, waste characteristic, waste identification, international regulations on waste under a critical focus, with the purpose of searching the relevant methodology trends. The data obtained data triggered, besides the knowledge of new methodology trends, to come up with a proposal of waste solid classification, subsidizing procedures to identify and characterize the data. Furthermore, they pointed to the need for investigating the effectiveness of the recommended methods and the degree of safety of the threshold reference values to the dangerous waste.


resíduos sólidos - classificação resíduos perigosos - classificação engenharias engenharia ambiental

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