Desenvolvimento de um produto dietetico funcional para idosos. / Development of a functional dietetic product for the elderly.
Fabiane La Flor Ziegler
The main objective of the present investigation was the development of a functional dietetic product for undernourished elderly. First step was the chemical, physical and nutritional characterization of protein component, a mixture of whey protein isolate (WPI) and a bovine collagen hydrolysate (HCB) both materials containing around 92% protein and showing high solubility in water. The essential amino acid profile (EAE) of the WPI reaches all the requirements of the FAO/WHO reference standard, however the HCB is deficient in all essential amino acids, particularly in cysteine and tryptophan which is totally absent in collagen. The nutritional indices PER, NPU, VBa and nitrogen balance (NB) of the two mixtures WPI:HCB (60:40 and 80:20) respectively, did not show statistical difference (p >0.05) among themselves and with the WPI. Nevertheless they were inferior (p <0.05) to a commercial casein (CC) used as reference. The choice was for the mixture WPI:HCB (60:40) for economical reasons. The choice of ingredients, composition and concentrations in the formulation was based mainly in three criteria, i.e., solubility, sensorial aspects and nutritional deficiencies of elderly population, based on literature surveys. In sensorial tests (acceptance, ideal sweetness and buying attitude) conducted with an elderly group for six different formulations, the choice was for the formula dissolved in milk with chocolate flavor and the other with no flavouring added. The acceptance scoring was 6.87 and 6.60 respectively, for the two formulations using a 9 ? point scale. The two formulations contained around 12% protein and 80% carbohydrate in addition to inuline, frutooligosaccharides (FOS), calcium, zinc, magnesium, selenium and the vitamins B1, B6, folic acid, B12, vitamin A, C and E. A shelf life study was conducted with the two formulations during 30 days under the laboratory environmental conditions and at 35 °C. Humidity, water activity (aw), adsorption isotherm, water vapor permeability rate (WVPR), color, sensorial evaluation, mineral and vitamin analysis were performed. Water activity at time zero (T0) was below 0.3, characteristic of dehydrated powder. The adsorption isotherms were used for determination of the critical aw (0.5), critical moisture content of 5.1% and initial moisture of about 2.0%, which were used for the estimation of the product shelf life. A small color variation was observed (_E* 0.4 for the formulation without flavouring and 0.6 for the chocolate formula), during the 30 days of storage. Sensorial qualities were satisfactory for all three storage time (T0, T15 and T30), with an average acceptance score above 5. More than 65% of the panel demonstrated buying intention between ?certainty of buying? and ?doubt of buying?. Higher preference was for the chocolate formula. Appreciable losses of the vitamins B1, C, A and E were detected during storage in both samples, independently of the storage condition. The shelf life estimated was of approximately 4 months for both formulations. It is recommended that a packaging material with more barrier to water vapor, light and oxygen must be used for product to minimize losses of the more unstable vitamins.
elderly vida de prateleira idosos fisico-quimica - propriedades shelf life
- Impact on nutritional status of elderly by supplemantation with a formulated dietetic product.
- Prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease in elderly.
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- Bases para a formação continuada do engenheiro de desenvolvimento de produto visando inovação tecnológica.