Desenvolvimento econômico e biossegurança: uma análise crítica ética, jurídica, econômica e social da utilização dos organismos geneticamente modificados




One frequently resorts to science to legitimize the primacy attributed to Biotechnology and to the privileged protection granted to the rights of intellectual property that are conferred on it. Therewith, there is a tendency to accept, as a presupposition, that the future must and will be shaped by the biotechnological advances. Therefore, any criticism to the development of new technologies seems to constitute an opposition to the unfolding of the future and to science itself. In this dissertation we intend to inquire what values inform science, since it sets the course of this development, remaining for the global economy the role of providing the structures to its effective implementation. There seems to be a race towards the legitimization, founded on the authority and prestige of science, of the development and use of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs); science, however, does not authorize such legitimization. On the contrary, the Genetically Modified Organisms which promise an agricultural revolution bear the mark of the political economy of globalization, given that its development has been taken as an objective of the global neoliberal economy, as well as a means of strengthening its structures.


direito biossegurança filosofia do direito desenvolvimento econômico política econômica filosofia da economia philosophy of freedom transgenic food philosophy of right social philosophy filosofia social biotechnology political economy alimentos transgênicos filosofia da liberdade biotecnologia philosophy of economics

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