Desenvolvimento territorial: um olhar transformador sobre o Bairro da Paz.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation project talks about a territory in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, which was created as Invasão Malvinas and became Bairro da Paz. All the trajectory of this neighborhood is marked by the fight of its community looking for the maintenance of their own houses and better living quality for their neighbors. It is also marked by their own identity, symbolized by a flag.The main objective of this dissertation-project is to contribute for the development of Bairro da Paz, which unfolds in the following specific objectives: comprehend the development of Bairro da Paz, plan actions that contribute for its development and implement them.To attain these ends, it is used the methodology of research-action for articulating investigation and social intervention in the context of practice at this specific territory, and also to value the skills and wisdom of the subjects involved in the study.The research action was based on a theoretical reference about the territory and territorial development, and experiences of territorial development in Portugal and Brazil. The main object of this research and also the main action was the event Bairro da Paz veste moda. The survey was conducted based on observation and interviews with leaders and partners involved in organizing and conducting of the event. The action was planned and implemented as a collective process and broadly participatory. The event Bairro da Paz Veste Moda was evaluated positively as an action that contributed to the development of the neighborhood.With the prospect of continuing to contribute to the development of the Bairro da Paz is proposed as an innovative territorial management, which is an autonomous governance based in the formalization of the Conselho de Moradores.


território pesquisa ação desenvolvimento territorial research action territory territorial development aspectos sociais do planejamento urbano e regional

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