Desesperança aprendida: sentidos de alunos de uma escola pública sobre si mesmos como aprendizes




This dissertation has as its general aim to investigate the deep hopelessness that could be learnt from the speech of three sixth grade students of a public school of Guarulhos, an industrial town in great São Paulo city. The specific objectives was to investigate the senses built up by the students about themselves as learners and about the reasons of their actions in the classroom. This research is based on the Social-Historical Cultural Activity Theory (Vygotsky,2003; Leontiev, 1977; Engeström, 1989) and it will discuss the following theoretical aspects: sense and meaning (Vygotsky, 2001; Aguiar, 2000); learning and development (Vygotsky, 2003; Rego, 1995), emotions and feelings (Espinosa, 2005; Aguiar, 2001; 2006; Leite, 2005). The data were collected during the months of October and November of 2006 in a public school in the outskirts of Guarulhos. The researcher and three students took part of this research. The methodology chosen for this dissertation had as objective to raise studentssenses in order to understand their situation of hopelessness. In order to understand such matters, the following itens were used as research tools: classroom data collection and video session (that were not analysed) questionnaire and interview with the focal students. In the data analysis it was used as category: surveying of theme content of researcher and students speech, the lexical choices of the participants (Bronckart 1993) and the interpersonal relations during the interview, focusing the verbal and paraverbal aspects. The results reveal studentslack of hope to learn in school context, as well as the lack of significance of school for them


senses and meanings ensino affection linguistica aplicada aprendizagem estudantes -- psicologia teaching-learning afeto sentidos e significados emocoes emotions

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