Desigualdade de renda e lixo doméstico : o poder explicativo da CKA




In the last 50 years, the world-wide population has urbanized and grew from 2,6 billion inhabitants in 1950 to 6,1 billions in 2000. It should reach almost 9 billions in 2050 (UNITED NATIONS, 2006). This means more people consuming and producing waste. Added up to the problem of the wild growth, the mass production and the more efficient system of transport is changing that products which were only accessible to a small part of the population, can be bought at modest prices by a growing number of consumers. They are cheap and have an extremely short cycle of life, becoming quickly obsolete and, so, being transformed in more waste. This means that our modern society produces 350 times more waste than our ancestors before the Industrial revolution and with a population only 10 times bigger. Of the whole waste produced in the world, 70 % is in the developed countries. However the under developed countries, responsible for more than 81 % of the world-wide population, are experiencing a strong economical growth (WORLDBANK, 2007), Most likely to aggravate more the problem of the world waste. With the intention to know better the dynamic of an under developed country we went to a Brazilian capital, with more than 1 million inhabitants, to do a research on how the increasing of the population income influences on the consuming of goods, trying to check the existence of a Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC). The results proved the existence of the EKC, however, in function of a correlation of data not very strongly and the fact of studying only a segment of market, we believe that more inquiries on the subject are necessary.


environmental kuznets curve (ekc) curva de kuznets ambiental (cka) economia

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