Desvelar a politica na periferia : historias de movimentos sociais em São Paulo




The analysis presented in this essay are originated from the reflection about stories extracted from the daily life of São Paulo s suburbs, in Brazil. The reflection try to search for politics, focusing the dispute about the meanings of this concept nowadays and the consequences of this dispute to urban social movements. 1t is presupposed that social movements always tried to figure themselves as political actors in society, that places politics in the basis oí the renewed notions oí rights, citizenship and democracy they try to formulate. This work aims to understand how these concepts - rights, citizenship, democracy - are being used today by the leaders of the social movements and by the people who lives where these movements are situated, observing how these notions are constructed by the experiences that they live. 1 study the Mutirão r de Maio, a recent popular movement ITom the West side of São Paulo and the Movimento de Defesa do Favelado, that has been struggled for more than 20 years in the East side of the metropolis, defending the rights of favelados (shanty-town s residents). The research had been conducted in a qualitative way and have had the Hannah Arendt s political thought as theoretical reference. 1 argue that the recent years had contributed to extinguish the political fields in where urban movements were located in the 80 s and that exist tensions between different reasons of politics in social movements today. Understanding these tensions could be a way to analyse the political contribution ofthese actors today


democracia cidadania movimentos sociais - são paulo (sp) politica e cultura direito

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