Detection of RAPD Markers Correlated with Chloroquine Resistance in Plasmodium falciparum


Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press


We described the use of the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique on Plasmodium falciparum DNA to detect genetic markers for chloroquine-resistant strains. Fourteen RAPD primers were tested, three of which generated banding patterns correlated with chloroquine resistance. To measure this correlation, the RAPD profiles were analyzed using the Nei and Li similarity coefficient. Detection of distinctive RAPD bands allowed us to synthesize specific PCR primers to be used on whole-blood samples. Two primer sets were synthesized and tested on sensitive and resistant strains for their ability to amplify the DNA fragment corresponding to the RAPD marker. These results suggest that RAPD and PCR techniques can be used as powerful tools for the detection of genetic markers associated with drug resistance.

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