Determinative factors of the relation prescribe cost of the College Santo Agostinho / Fatores determinantes da relaÃÃo receita custo da Faculdade Santo Agostinho




This dissertation investigates the degree of efficiency of the investments accomplished by Faculdade Santo Agostinho -FSA, a company in the branch of superior education in Teresina - PiauÃ, tending as focus the analysis of the determinants of the relationship Revenue/Cost. The main objective is to analyze the impact of the investments with expenses in propaganda, technology, training and program of salary incentive about the relationship Revenue/Cost. Specifically, the objectives are to quantify, through an econometric model, the contribution of the expenses with propaganda, technology, training and salary incentive about the relationship Revenue/Cost and to evaluate qualitatively the results. In order to reach those objectives it was applied the econometric model autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticde (ARCH) getting a sample of monthly primary data from 2001 to 2006, collected from the social balance of the company. The acquired results show that the variables: expenses with training, technology and the plan of salary incentive of FSA impact positively on the relationship Revenue/Cost, with the largest impact occurring through the expenses with technology. On the other side, the expense with propaganda was not significant to explain this relationship. This way, the institution needs to review its propaganda politics with the objective to improve its economical efficiency.



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