Diagnóstico dos viveiros municipais no Estado de Minas Gerais e avaliação da qualidade de mudas destinadas à arborização urbana / Diagnosis of the city nurseries in the state of Minas Gerais and quality evaluation of the seedlings used for urban arborization




The present study was carried out in nurseries located in many cities of the sate of Minas Gerais. The goals of this work were to diagnose the city public nurseries in the state of Minas Gerais and evaluate the quality of the seedlings destined to urban arborization. The city public nurseries were diagnosed by means of a questionnaire sent to all of the 853 cities in the state. The quality of the seedlings was evaluated through a research in twelve nurseries, located in different areas of the state, six of which belonging to government institutions, and the other six, to private organizations. The diagnosis of the nurseries demonstrated that great part of the studied cities in the state of Minas Gerais has no nurseries for seedling production and it can be inferred that either they are achieved from others or there is no arborization in the streets. The infrastructure found is inadequate. Great part of the cities does not use safe water and, in almost a third of those cities, the irrigation system is rudimentary and uses hoses and watering pot. Many of the seedlings produced in the city nurseries are used for urban arborization and the rest oration of degraded areas and riparian forests and are especially destined to be donated. The seedlings are basically spread through seeds and cuttings. Propagation techniques such as minicuttings are not used, not even in nurseries producing eucalyptus seedlings. The percentage of cities offering training to their employees could be higher, since most of them, although having a low education level, remain in the same the job. It seems that, in most cities, there is no knowledge about the silviculture treatments necessary to the production of seedlings with the desirable characteristics for urban arborization. As to the quality of the seedlings destined to the urban arborization in the state of Minas Gerais, the study demonstrates that there should be an increase in some aspects. In general, it was observed that there is no concern with the quality of the seedlings. The high percentage of seedlings under the desired pattern showed it. The silviculture treatments, which must be performed for the adequate formation of the seedlings to be used for arborization, are not carried out in full, either because the people do not know the techniques very well or because they are not regarded as important by the technicians. It could be, yet, due to a higher expenditure with employees, since there was much complaining because of the lack of workers. It was verified that the seedlings produced in nurseries in public organizations present a better quality than those produced in private nurseries. This work also shows that the seedlings should have a more technical production, since they are destined to a urban environment, where their value is increased. Such work, thus, cannot be performed in an amateur way.


trees seedlings viveiros florestais avaliação Árvores forest nurseries arborização das cidades urban arborization silvicultura qualidade mudas evaluation quality

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