Diagnostico parasitologico e avaliação de uma intervenção educativa no controle e prevenção de enteroparasitoses no municipio de Estiva Gerbi - SP




Enteroparasitoses are a serious problems to the Public Health system in Brazi1. Studying some reports to the southeast region of Brazil, it can be detected a decrease in the enteroparasitoses rates throughout the Iast years, due to improvings in the sanitation and also to the process of urbanization. Due to the absence of specific control programs and education for sanitation, it can be noted high parasitoses for the taxes schoolars from the region. Considering this it was canied out a coprological screening associated to a social-cultural screening among the students from Estiva Gerbi city, county of São Paulo state, in order to relate both parameters. We could notice a prevalence of 11,5% for enteroparasitoses among the students. Positive cases of pamsitoses and commensalism it was: Entamoeba coli 5,2%, Giardia duodena/is 5,(1 10, Ascaris lumbricoides 1,5%, Endolimax nana 0,8%, Enterobius vermicularis 0,2%, Hymenolepis nana, Trichuris trichiura and Ancylostomatids with 0,1 %. We could notice a statistica1 dependence (significative) to the following variable: Housing Place ; Presence a Water Deposit ; Position ofthe Toilet ; Sinantropic AnimaIs ; Knowledge about Worms ; Manners . We could conclude that the students presented levels and variety of parasitism compared to that from other regions of the state of São Paulo. Afier this study we canied out a workshop about intestinal pamsitoses with the objective to teach about and prevention and decrease that rates. It was evaluated the school Alaíde R. Batista community, that assist children from O to 04 years old, and presented the highest leveI of parasitism (23,5%). An evaluation 2 years afier showed that the prevalence of enteroparasitoses among treated the students was 6,6%, but for the whole school, due to the income of new students, it was the saroe as previously recorded (23,3%). We conc1uded that some education attitudes are worth, only when integrated to a whole and continuous process of control and eradication of the enteroparasitoses


doenças parasitarias - prevenção

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