Dinamica de equilibrio em populações experimentais de Cochliomyia macellaria (Diptera: Calliphoridae)




Cochliomyia macellaria (Diptera: Calliphoridae) is an important com­ponent species in the community of necrophagous diptera. This blowfly is known to produce myiasis in humans and other animaIs, and has also been shown to be a mechanical carrier of enteropathogens. Cochliomyia macellaria is thought to have been a common species among calliphorid flies, although its numbers have sharply decreased in the last decade, apparently due to the introduction of other blowfly species of the genus Chrysomya, previously restricted in distribution to the Old World. The objective of this study was to analyse the dynamics of experimental populations of Co. macellaria with a model developed by Prout &McChesney (1985), which describes density­dependent population growth. This model incorporates two important com­ ponents of fitness, fertility and survival, in a finite difference equation that al­ lows the deduction of the population dynamics. Thirty egg densities, varying from 100 to 3000 eggs, were established on a fixed amount of food (1O0g). Larvae and adults were kept in constant photoperiod (12L:12D), temperature of 25 DC, and relative humidity of 60%. Linear, exponencial, and hyperbolic regressions were fitted to describe the dependence of fertility and survival on egg density. The parameters obtained from the regressions were incorpora­ted into the equation nt+1 = !F(ndS(nt)nt. The results obtained with the application with this equation for Co. macellaria were compared to those for Chrysomya megacephala and C. putoria. The implications of these findings for the dynamics of native and introduced blowflies are discussed


parasitologia inseto - população

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