Discrepancy between results of the Streptozyme test and those of the antideoxyribonulcease B and antihyaluronidase tests.


Comparison of the serum titers obtained with the Streptozyme, the antistreptolysin O, the antideoxyribonuclease B, and the antistreptohyaluronidase tests suggested that the Streptozyme test had failed to detect antibodies against streptococcal deoxyribonuclease B and hyaluronidase. Moreover, sera that were negative in the Streptozyme test could be shown by immunodiffusion to possess significant numbers of precipitins against extracellular factors produced by group A streptococci. Follow-up studies on patients with diagnosed streptococcal infections revealed elevated antideoxyribonuclease and streptohyaluronidase titers and increased numbers of precipitation lines without simultaneous increased titers by the Streptozyme test. There is thus a need for stricter control of possible batch-to-batch variations and more careful standardization of the antigen content of the Streptozyme test.

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