Disturbios e dificuldades de aprendizagem em crianças : analise do diagnostico interdisciplinar
Sylvia Maria Ciasca
This study was designed to identify three types of children normal, those with difficulties in school not linked to neurological dysfunction, and those with learning disabilities by providing a diagnosis of their psychological, neuropsychological, and neurological status, as well as an analysis of complementary examninatios. 34 lower class children of both sexes (average age 9 years, 6 months) studying in public schools in the area of Campinas were studied, and separated in the three groups. Group 1 consisted of 11 normal children who are successful in school, not revealing any special physical or behavioral problems; Grupo 2 was composed of 12 children selected due to difficulties in school, although no physical or behavioral difficulties were reported; and Grupo 3 contained .11 children with difficulties in school associated with previously identified, non-incapacitating neurological dysfunction. The children in the first group were selected by their teachers, whereas those of the second and third were referred to the Clinic for Learning Disable Children of the Department of Neurology of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) by their teachers because of specific problems in reading, writing, mathematical reasoning or general academic difficulties. Eight evaluative procedures were used for the analysis of the experimental subjects, but these proved to be inadequate because they failed to distinguish between the groups. It was possible to identify the normal students in general, but no significant differences were revealed between members of the second and third groups for several of the instruments used. The most visible characteristics observed in these two latter groups (especially laterality, visual-spacial perception, and maturation) were analyzed statistically and compared to the results reported in the literature; their implications for concept definition, classification, and diagnosis of learning disabilities are explored
psicodiagnostico neurologia do desenvolvimento - diagnostico neuropsicologia abordagem interdisciplinar do conhecimento na educação disturbios da aprendizagem nas crianças
http://libdigi.unicamp.br/document/?code=000076186Documentos Relacionados
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