Diversidade genética da abelha Eufriesea violacea (Hymenoptera, Apidae, Euglossini)
Gabriele Antico Freiria
IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia
In this study six populations of Eufriesea violacea had their genetic structure and diversity estimated using microsatellite markers and mitochondrial obtained by PCR-RFLP. The samplings of male bees were carried out in Atlantic Forest remnants located in the states of Paraná (PR1, PR2, and PR3), São Paulo (SP1), Santa Catarina (SC1) and Rio Grande do Sul (RS1). The microsatellite markers involved amplification of six loci, which showed an average total expected heterozygosity of 0.735, indicating a high genetic diversity for the samples. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed a low genetic differentiation between areas (ΦST = 0.04465), as well as analysis of genetic structure via bayesian statistics. Otherwise, the estimates of DEST indicated genetic differentiation between some localities: PR1-SP1 (DEST = 0.168); PR2 to PR3 (DEST = 0.227), PR3-SP1 (DEST = 0.315). The frequency of diploid males found was 3.08%. Mitochondrial markers were obtained through the amplification and restriction (with DraI and AseI) on a 16S-mtDNA gene segment of 400-bp size. Four distinct compounds haplotypes (AB, BA, BC and AD) were found. In the remnant PR1 was observed the presence of two haplotypes, both found in high and not very different frequencies (BC: 57.5%, AD: 42.5%). In the fragments PR2 and SC1 was the dominance of haplotypes, AB (97.5%) and BC (2.5%), respectively. Haplotypes BA (2.5%) and AD (2.5%) were found less frequently in fragments PR2 and SC1, respectively. In the remaining PR3, SP1 and RS1 only one haplotype per area was found, as follows: AB, AB and BA, respectively. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) indicated high genetic differentiation (ΦST = 0.82112) between samples from six forest fragments. The analysis, based on these mitochondrial markers, between pairs of samples these fragments suggests the existence of three groups of bees, as follows: a group formed by individuals from fragments PR2, PR3 and SP1; another group clustering bees from PR1 and SC1 areas and, a sample from SC1 area appearing separately. This same group was evidenced by Bayesian analysis. The disagreement between the analysis between nuclear and mtDNA reinforces that the idea of different evolutionary rates of mitochondrial genome and microsatellite loci may provide different information, which should be carefully considered and analyzed in an attempt to better understand the genetic structure of populations.
abelha - genética abelha - genética de populações abelha - mata atlântica himenoptero bee genetic bee population genetics
http://uel.br.vtls000164007Documentos Relacionados
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