DNA topology of the ordered chromatin domain 5' to the human c-myc gene.


DNA restriction fragments located 5' to the human c-myc gene display anomalous electrophoretic mobility on polyacrylamide gels. Computer modeling of the c-myc flanking DNA suggests that the slow-moving DNA fragments spanning nucleotides -1690 to -1054 (relative to c-myc promoter P1) and -718 to -452 form large left handed superhelices or curved structures while the fast-moving DNA fragment spanning nucleotides -407 to +78 has an unusually straight structure. These analyses also predict a periodic array of localized regions of bending through the superhelical domains. Micrococcal nuclease digestion of isolated nuclei reveals that the slow-moving DNA fragments exist in an ordered chromatin structure stable to nuclease, whereas the digestion pattern of the fast-moving DNA fragment suggests a less ordered array of nucleosomes or a non-nucleosomal chromatin structure.

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