Efeito da esterilização em autoclave sobre propriedades mecanicas das miniplacas de titanio, utilizadas em fixação internas




Titanium plates and screws are used for fixation of facial fractures and orthognatic surgery. That material is kept on proper boxes and receives multiple autoclave sterilization cycles. The present study evaluates the effects of those cycles upon mechanical properties of titanium miniplates (system 2.0, (Engimplan). For that task four groups of fifteen plates were tested on a universal essay machine to verify the resistance to tension, flexion and compression. Group I received no sterilization, whereas Groups li, 111, IV underwent one, ten and twenty cycles, respectively. After sixty destructive mechanical essays data were obtained concerning two variables: strenght and deformation. The data were transformed into graphics plotting strength versus deformation, from which the calculus of the yield strength (Sy) was obtained for each tested unit, so that a numeric result was gained in order to compare groups. Results were statistically treated to compare variables. Results did not show differences between groups for the tension and compressive tests. However, there were differences between groups for the flexion tests


titanio propriedades mecanicas esterilização

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