Efeitos das ondas acústicas em pupas de Ceratitis capitata. (Wied., 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae) / EFFECTS OF ACOUSTIC WAVES ON PUPES OF Ceratitis capitata. (Wied., 1824) (Diptera: Tephritidae)
Adilson Camilo de Barros
The aim of this research has been to investigate the hypothesis that acoustic waves would provoke a measurable effect on a population of fruit flies, a treatment denominated sonication. Ionizing radiation, the causative agent for the treatment designated by irradiation has been used as a reference, as long as its effects on living beings and particularly on insects are widely known. This research also enquiries into the possible effects of acoustic waves and Gamma rays. The experiments of sonication were carried out in the Laboratory of Entomology of the Instituto Biológico de São Paulo. The experiments of radiation were carried out in the Centro de Tecnologia das Radiações - IPEN, located within the campus of the University of São Paulo. It has been employed a Gammacell source model 220 with average activity of 757.069 ± 293.484 curies (Ci) and an average dosis rate of 3.106 ± 0.245 quilograys per hour (kGy/h). Levels applied to the sonication treatment, in hertz and quilohertz were: 0 Hz (control) ; 5.0 Hz ; 10.0 Hz ; 20.0 Hz ; 40.0 Hz ; 60.0 Hz ; 80.0 Hz ; 1.0 kHz ; 2.0 kHz ; 10.0 kHz ; 15.0 kHz e 20.0 kHz . Irradiation dosis applied in Grays were: 5.0 Gy ; 7.5 Gy ; 10.0 Gy ; 12.5 Gy ; 15 Gy ; 50 Gy ; 100 Gy ; 150 Gy and 200 Gy. It has been used an acoustic tube made of glass - 40.6 cm in lenght and 9.1cm in diameter - and sinusoidal waves originated from three acoustic sources, with response in decibels, which sound intensity varied from 93.60 ± 1.51 dB to 123.96 ± 0.23 dB. Final results have pointed to evidences that would justify the rejection of null hypothesis H0, to which the average of the treatments due to acoustic waves do not differ significantly from each other.
ceratitis capitata. ondas acústicas ceratitis capitata. efeitos biológicos ondas acústicas efeitos biológicos
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