Effect of biochar, chicken litter and NPK on soil fertility, growth and nutrition of sweet orange Pêra-Rio in with Antropic Soil (Terra Mulata) in the Amazonas / Efeito do uso de biocarvão, cama de frango e NPK na fertilidade do solo, no crescimento e na nutrição da laranjeira "Pêra-Rio" em Latossolo Amarelo com a Antrópico (Terra Mulata) no Amazonas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Amazonian soil presents mostly low natural fertility, however, patches of dark colored soil have been discovered, and are characterized by intense high fertility called Anthropogenic Dark Earths. Adjacent to these soils, Terra Mulata calls attention to the less dark coloration, lower fertility and higher extensions. The orange Pêra-Rio is an important crop in Brazil, and in the state of Amazonas, is an important source of income. In Costa Laranjal Manacapuru, this crop is being planted on anthropic soils receiving manure in a disorderly fashion. Thus, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of biochar, poultry litter, and NPK fertilizer on soil fertility, nutritional status and growth of cultivated plants in Terra Mulata. The study was conducted in a Terra Mulata Costa Laranjal Manacapuru, Amazonas, in a randomized complete block design with eight treatments: T1, Control (without fertilizer); T2, biochar; T3, poultry litter; T4, NPK (4-14-8); T5, biochar + poultry litter; T6, Biochar + NPK Formulated (4-14-8); T7: poultry litter + NPK Formulated (4-14-8), T8: Biochar + poultry litter + NPK Formulated (4-14-8). To evaluate, soil samples were collected from 0-20 cm below the ground floor, removal of the orange leaf samples collected and biometric data (trunk diameter and plant height) of culture. The results showed the effect of fertilization on soil fertility for the treatment of poultry litter + NPK for availability Ca (9.07 cmolc kg-1), P (3242.06 mg kg-1) and Zn (89.08 mg kg-1), and treatment of poultry litter + biochar + NPK to values of K (0.37 cmolc kg-1). Regarding the concentrations of nutrients in the leaf of the orange, the K obtained significance in the first sampling in treated poultry litter + biochar (26.13 g kg-1) and poultry litter + biochar + NPK (25.28 g kg-1) and the second sampling in poultry litter treatments (20.40 g kg-1) and biochar + poultry litter (20.66 g kg-1), also noting the difference in the averages of the first sample to the concentration of Mg (5.25 g kg-1) in the same treatment, and the second sampling for Ca in the control treatment (33.68 g kg-1) and biochar (31.81 g kg-1), and Mg in the control treatments (3.57 g kg-1) and biochar (3.45 g kg-1). Treatment of poultry litter + biochar + NPK showed statistical significance to the height and diameter of the orange trees at 24 months. At the end of the experiment it was observed that treatments with biochar presented a conditioning effect with lower nutrient availability, and high levels of Ca, Mg and Zn in soil were not reflected in the higher nutrient concentration in orange leaves, unlike K.


fertilidade do solo plantas nutrição agronomia solos antrópicos amazonas

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