Effect of Post Weld Heat Treatment Process on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Friction Welded Dissimilar Drill Pipe
Emre, Hayriye Ertek, Kaçar, Ramazan
Mat. Res.
In this study, N80-42CrMo4 dissimilar drill pipes were welded by a roto-friction welding machine. A set of welded samples were tested as-welded condition. Another set of welded samples were post weld heat treated (stress relief annealing) at the temperature of 600 °C, for 20 min. and then tested. The microstructures of the as-welded and stress relief annealed samples were examined by optical microscope and SEM. The properties of the all welded samples were determined by hardness measurement, tension and V notch-impact tests. The high hardness especially in the weld interface resulted in low toughness. As a conclusion, the stress relief annealing treatment caused a little decrease in yield strength and ultimate tensile strength, but increase in the elongation. The ductility of samples also increased after annealing treatment which is very important for static and dynamic loads.
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