Effects of model in the motor learning process of synchronized swimming skills / Efeitos do modelo na aprendizagem do nado sincronizado




The objective of the present study was to investigate the effects of the type of model, synchro doll and human, in the motor learning process of Synchronized Swimming skills, particularly the tub figure (Experiment 1), as well as the effects of the sequence of models presentation in the learning process of the tub, synchro doll followed by the human model, or the human model prior to the synchro doll (Experiment 2). Experiment I was based on the performance of 20 female volunteer subjects, average age 23,1 years old (SD =4,1), adapted to aquatic environment, able to move on the shallow part of the pool and to fluctuate without using their hands. The task consisted of tub figure of the Synchronized Swimming consisting of 5 positions and 2 transition movements: starting position, tub transition, tub position, final transition and final position. After a pre-test in which all made 6 consecutive trials with verbal task description, the subjects were distributed in two groups consisting of 10 participants which, and made 60 trials with verbal task description and one demonstration per trial, the latter consisting of video instruction showing either a synchro doll model, or a human model. After 10 minutes all were submitted to a post-test, which consisted of 6 consecutive trials with verbal instructions only. On the following day, the subjects of both groups were submitted to a retention test, composed of two sessions of 6 consecutive trials with no instructions at all. In Experiment 2, 20 novice female subjects, average age 21,6 years old (SD = 2,8), adapted to aquatic environment, able to move on the shallow part of the pool and to fluctuate without using their hands had the same task as in Experiment 1, the performance of the five task components of the tub: starting position, tub transition, tub position, final transition and final position. Two groups of 10 participants were formed, one of them having the synchro doll model prior to the human model, and the other with the human model followed by the synchro doll model. After the pre-test in which all made 6 consecutive trials with verbal task description, each subject was submitted to 10 acquisition sessions. Ten minutes after those, the subjects were submitted to a post-test with verbal instructions only and, on the following day, 2 sessions of retention tests, consisting of 6 trials which, with no instructions at all. During the acquisition sessions 1 to 5 the subjects received one demonstration per trial of the first model, either synchro doll or human, according to their group, During the acquisition sessions 6 to 10 the participants received one demonstration per trial of the other model, either human or synchro doll. The results show that the type of model and the presentation sequence did not affect the global performance nor the performance of the components. So it was concluded that the model presented in demonstration associated to the verbal instructions does not affect tub learning, making it possible to use either the doll or the human model in any sequence


modelo aprendizagem motora model nado sincronizado synchronized swimming motor learning

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