Elderly protagonism in management comissions / Protagonismo de idosos em comissões gestoras




Through the present study we intend to find out initiatives role in the elderly members of the Management Commission community, watching how they mobilize and organize themselves into partnerships with different professionals in search of care their demands aimed at an aging process healthy. The concept of the role of elderly that we try to build, refers to a propositional action reflection, discussion and actions that is part of actions developed in their projects for the elderly. Those Institutions defined as a field of research were Community Center Garden Santa Lucia and SESI Amoreiras. Both rely on a partnership with Management Commission formed by elders and professionals to carry out activities offered on the assumption that the representation can provide greater assurance of success in meet the demand of the community. Seeking to achieve the goals, the researcher used the methodology of oral history by interviewing 06 elderly men/women and 02 professionals of the corresponding management commission, and comply with the proposed activities and the meeting planning. We conclude that the role of older people is strongly related to common goals, the creation of linkages and the strength group and community that people create and recreate along of life, seeking to carry out a project of happiness. Also the social impact of projects developed by commitment of elderly Management Commission, its involvement and the use of their personal skills, helps significantly with the development of self-esteem, self-confidence, self-concept, the vision of the future, the sense of identity and level of aspiration vital the elderly and enables achievement of a differentiated area of operation, the search new social roles as actors responsible for organizing, mobilization and strengthening of the segment they represented


protagonismo elderly idosos protagonism

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