Electrical excitability: a spectrum of properties in the progeny of a single embryonic neuroblast.


We have examined the range of some properties of the progeny of a single embryonic precursor cell in the grasshopper. The approximately 100 progeny of this single neuroblast share certain features such as their transmitter and some aspects of their morphology; at the same time, however, they demonstrate a broad spectrum of electrical properties, from spiking to non-spiking neurons. The first-born progeny are spiking neurons with peripheral axons. Many of the progeny, including all of the last-born, do not generate action potentials. The nonspiking progeny are local intraganglionic neurons and appear to compose a major proportion of the progeny of this neuroblast. All of the nonspiking neurons have calcium inward current channels and can make action potentials when outward current channels are blocked. We propose a model for grasshopper neurogenesis based on cell lineage such that (i) certain features (e.g., transmitter) are shared by the progeny of all cell divisions from a single neuroblast, and (ii) other features (e.g., electrical properties) are shared by the progeny of a given birth position (e.g., first versus last born) from all of the neuroblasts. According to this model, the first-born progeny from all neuroblasts are spiking neurons, whereas the last-born are nonspiking.

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