Electron microscope characteristics of inhaled chrysotile asbestos fibre


Pooley, F. D. (1972).Brit. J. industr. Med.,29, 146-153. Electron microscope characteristics of inhaled chrysotile asbestos fibre. Specimens from 300 lungs have been examined under the electron microscope to determine the morphology and diffraction characteristics of any chrysotile asbestos they contained. In 120 cases, material was prepared by alkali digestion and the residual dust was examined. In all cases standard 6-micron histological slides were partially ashed before the residue was transferred to the electron microscope grids. Of the 300 specimens examined, 20 came from men with prolonged industrial exposure to chrysotile, 87 from cases of mesothelioma, and the remainder from control groups drawn from rural and industrial populations.

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