Electron Microscopic Observation of the Sporangial Structure of a Strain of Actinoplanes


Lechevalier, Hubert (Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick, N.J.), and Pauline E. Holbert. Electron microscopic observation of the sporangial structure of a strain of Actinoplanes. J. Bacteriol. 89:217–222. 1965.—Actinoplanes sp. P 128 has polarly flagellated sporangiospores. The numerous flagella, formed by the helical winding of subfibrils, were seen clearly only in shadowed preparations. Flagella were never seen in sections of spores. Sporangial formation was followed by examining sections of sporangia at various stages of maturity. The sporangial envelope was the continuation of the outer sheath of the sporangiophore. The sporangiospores were formed by the division of hyphae enclosed within the sporangial wall. The spores were probably formed by simultaneous division of these hyphae. An intersporal substance, which seemed to originate from the outer sheaths of the intrasporangial hyphae, could be seen.

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