Elimination of Sex Factors in Escherichia coli by Urea


Eliminatory action of urea on the sex factor (F) in Escherichia coli K-12 strains is reported. Growth of E. coli harboring F or F′8 (F-gal) factors in Penassay Broth containing urea led to the loss of these genetic elements and yielded F− cells. Appearance of F− cells among survivors was already observed when the culture was in the very early stage of exponential phase. However, frequencies of F− cells formed did not increase much as a function of the incubation time. Unusual F+ or F′8 cells which retained the ability of genetic transfer but showed resistance to M12 phage were also isolated. Addition of sucrose to broth with urea led to the favorable growth of cells in the culture and the increase, if little, of elimination frequencies of F factors by urea. These findings, coupled with other observations, suggest that urea has two separate actions in enhancing the frequency of F− bacteria, namely, (i) to inactivate F by direct action, such as mutation, and (ii) to select the F− variants by differentially inhibiting the growth of F+.

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