Em busca do conceito de fenomenologia hermeneutica : estudo para a compreensão do metodo no projeto Ser e Tempo




This work is an effort to understand the hermenutic phenomenology as the method of ontology projected in the book Being and Time by Martin Heidegger. The research begins with a commented reconstitution of the heideggerian appropriation of Edmund Husserl s transcendental phenomenology. It then analyses the lntroduction of Being and Time, looking for a first characterization of the hermeneutic phenomenology. From this analysis arises the need to work out the phenomenological hermeneutic concept of idea, in order to obtain a view of the whole ontological project of Being and Time. Finally, the work identifies in the concepts of sigetic and hermeneutic reference a continuity between the two main moments of the whole path of Heidegger s thinking, ie, between the fundamental ontology and the tum (Kehre) to the Thinking- Appropriation (Ereignis-Denken)


hermeneutica phenomenology fenomenologia hermeneutics ontology ontologia

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