Embriogênese somática em macaúba: indução, regeneração e caracterização anatômica / Somatic embryogenesis in macauba: induction, regeneration and anatomical characterization




Among oleaginous plants that could be used to produce biodiesel, macauba (Acrocomia aculeata (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Martius) is known as a highly productive and semi-arid adapted palm. However, this species shows some problems regarding to its propagation and somatic embryogenesis can be an alternative. The aim was to contribute to the development of macauba somatic embryogenesis protocols. Macauba embryogenic masses have been obtained 60 days after mature zygotic embryos inoculation on Y3 culture medium containing picloram or 2,4-D combined or not with TDZ, under light absence. 60 days after culture on regeneration medium, which has had the same induction medium composition plus activated charcoal, embryogenic masses have regenerated globular structures similar to somatic embryos (GSSE). 120 days after culture on medium containing picloram and activated charcoal, somatic embryos had regenerated from nodular callus. These embryos have showed a characteristic protoderm, procambial strands, shoot meristem, and have germinated on Y3 medium without growth regulators. However, many embryos have not showed a complete shoot development. When inoculated on the original induction medium, somatic embryos have generated secondary embryogenesis, and have originated new somatic embryos by budding. Anatomical studies of somatic embryogenesis induction process on macauba zygotic embryos have proved the emergence of many unicellular originated proembryos in the fundamental meristem. These proembryos have originated mainly on the embryo distal region, which corresponds to the cotiledonary region. Some unicellular-origin proembryos have reached more advanced phases, such as globular phase. Proembryos have began to develop between the 10th and the 20th day, and by the 40th day, they have reached globular phase. Between 30 and 40 days, there has been the generation of meristematic masses generated from procambial cells growth. These masses have showed fragmentation and have generated GSSEs which have arose from embryogenic masses. Some of the structures formed from meristematic masses have passed through epidermization leading to multicelullar-origin somatic embryos.


melhoramento vegetal tissue culture fruit biotechnology cultura de tecidos somatic embryogenesis biotecnologia de fruteiras embriogênese somática

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