Emprego de narrativas de histórias na gestão de projetos de tecnologia da informação




The manager is the main responsible for supplanting the problems that can impede the success of a project and. To achieve that, it is necessary an instrument to allow him to lead, to communicate, to negotiate, to solve problems and to influence in the organization. Storytelling is a techniqueof knowledge management well-known for sharing experiences, thoughts and values in the organizational environment. The objective of this research was to identify the use storytelling for transposing the barriers that can obstruct the success of a IT project, providing a better understanding on its utilization by the managers. This was accomplished through a bibliographical research, as well as a quantitative analysis of data, analyzing the origin of the histories, the learning form, the frequency of use and the aimed purposes, establishing a relationship among purposes, managerial skills and areas of knowledge specified in the PMBOK. Besides, it is was made a field research that proposes a process for the application of storytelling in IT projects. The data analysis and the field research proved the frequent use and the success of storytelling technique, so it is possible to conclude that it is useful on IT project management.


narrativas de histórias organizational storytelling knowledge management storytelling administracao gerenciamento de projetos narrativas de histórias organizacionais project management gestão do conhecimento; gerência; tecnologia da informação estudos de caso

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