Encontros de formação: repensar e reconstruir




The objective of this research conducted in a private schoollocated in the north area of the state of São Paulo is to understand in what way the discourse constitution among participants of a teacher education for promoved contexts for the critical reflection and collaborative construction of knowledge by means of argumentation. The study was carried out within a social-historical perspective and is related to the reflective principles and the Activity Theory. I will address the discourse construction of a teacher education under the light of the dynamism of the Activity Theory (Leontiev, 1977/2003; Engestrom, 1987, 1999, 2002, 2003) considering it as a collective activity system to which the individuaIs assign meanings and take over different positions regarding their practices and actions. This will be accomplished by making use of semiotics mediation instrument, focusing on language. Regarding the reflective principle the study is based on the studies of Paulo Freire (1970/1987), Smyth (1992), Schon (198712000), Alarcão (1996, 2001), among others, who defend that critical reflection about your own actions like a works as force of context transformation in the context they act. This study is a collaborating critical research (Magalhães, 199812002; Liberali, 1999/2002) about an investigative process that aims at observing, analysing and transforming the pedagogic practices of the participants. The study of the general plan of the text as well as the types of prototypic sequences as proposed by Bronckart was used for data analysis purposes. Analysis and interpretation demonstrate that critical reflection, started by an argumentative process, can be a reconstitution instrument of pedagogic practices and knowledge construction among the participants of a teacher education


professores -- formacao profissional processo reflexivo linguistica aplicada

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