Engenho &arte - de guerra : a inovação nas vertentes do setor de defesa




Considering the increasing importance of the innovation in the Sector of Defense in the Age of the Knowledge on account of its on strategical value to the National Security and the development of technologies of dual use, the present work has for objective to understand the process of innovation in the sector, carrying through a study of case of the Project Command and Control of the Brazilian Army. For ends of mapping of the innovation, the Sector of Defense was divided in two flows, one on to the production of goods and services - called Hard Flowing - and other one relative to its application in the sphere of the Military Doctrine and the Strategy and Tactics of War - called Soft Flowing. The innovation in each one of the flows is verified in vectors, the links of chain of value of the Complex Product Systems (CoPS) to the Hard Flowing and the Operational Systems of Combat of the Brazilian Terrestrial Military Doctrine to the Soft Flowing. This methodology allows to explore all the stages of the innovation in the productive process and of commercialization of the goods and services of interest of the defense, showing where is the core of the competitive advantage and which are the necklesses of the process in innovative organizations and, at the same time, to explore the aspects of the generation of strategical and tactical advantages to the defense, which reflects the main aspect of the innovation in the Sector of Defense. It fits to detach, also, the presented conceptualization of strategical knowledge, divided in central, critic and sensible ones. The case study it allowed to test the methodology presented and, at the same time, to identify strong and weak points of the innovative process of the project in the Force, as well as evaluating and concluding that the Brazilian Army, what, in part, reflects the National Defense, has implemented projects of innovation with the purpose to develop knowledge and technologies, that are necessary to the accompaniment of the trends of the world-wide sectors of defense and vanguard ones. Finally, the raised data lead to conclude that the strategy of development of CoPS in the Sector of Defense, which had its degree of importance as War Device and effect of modernization on the Art of the War and for its potential of dual use and association the services, generates, on the other hand, strategical and tactical advantages to National Defense and, on the other hand, it supplies to competitive advantages to the organizations and companies, contributing the economic diversification and the productive competitiveness of the Country.


sistemas de produtos complexos (cops) defense defesa inovação administracao complex product systems (cops) innovation

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