Enriquecimento ambiental para gatos domésticos (Felis silvestris catus L.): A importância dos odores / Environmental enrichment for domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus L.): The importance of odors




The transfer of odors between the cats and the environment occurs through physical contact, but also for disposal of excreta. For environmental enrichment can promote behaviors closer view of the natural and extinguish unwanted behaviors, thus contributing to the physical and psychological health of animals. This work aimed to promote the environment for stimuli that cats play behaviors characteristic of the species. We used domestic cats (Felis silvestris catus L.), castrated (around the first year of life) or not, of both sexes. The animals were kept together in a shelter for cats, whose population was approximately 110 individuals, 41 males and 69 females. Five tests were conducted over sixteen months and was recorded: which behaviors are manifested in the area of testing (grooming, urinate, defecate and verification olfactory), which made most people these behaviors (females, males and castrated males) and which category of animal presented more contact. We used the method of sampling and focal animal behavior. It was observed that there is significant difference in contacts between males and females (F = 10, 362, p = 0, 006) and checked that this difference also occurs when the groups are aggregated (F_M contacts and contacts F_F-M_M-F_M ). Females and castrated males, when compared by Wilcoxon test showed significant differences in time devoted to grooming behavior of (z = 2.95, p = 0.036). Cats are very curious people, which facilitates the development of an environmental enrichment cheaper with the range of appropriate behavioral responses.


gato doméstico olfactory verification odor domestic cat enriquecimento ambiental verificação olfativa odor environmental enrichment

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