Ensinando auto-conhecimento? o estabelecimento de uma resposta de auto-discriminação (Dymond e Barnes, 1994)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The present study aimed at the acquisition of responses of self - discrimination, involving previous behavior as discriminative stimulus for subsequent responding. Dymond and Barnes (1994) experiment was partially replicated. Seven young adults were submitted to 3 experimental phases. Each phase was comprised of 20 trial-blocks of two successive tasks, performed on a computer, repeated until a criterion of 95% correct responses on the second task was achieved. Subjects worked on the computer: a mouse response on task one, and keyboard responding on task 2. During Phases 1 and 2, the first task (in each trial) lasted 5 seconds. Subjects were required to either click a mouse, or not to click it. An arbitrary stimulus (A) was present on the computer screen when no response with the mouse was emitted. When one (or more) response with the mouse was emitted, another stimulus (B) was presented on the screen. At the end of the five seconds period, a feedback of success or error was presented on the screen. The feedback depended on the computer programming and subjec~s had no clues of what was the right pattern on each trial. The second task, on phase one trials, was an identity matching. It began with the presentation of the.stimulus A, paired with responding if responding had occurred on the previous task, or the stimulus B, paired with no responding if no responding had occurred during the first task. Two comparison stimuli (A and B) were presented when an observation response was made. Correct choices had feedback of success, incorrect choices of error. On phase 2 the same procedure was maintained for the first task. But on the second task no sample stimulus was present. Subject s choice had to be based either on his / hers own previous behavior or on the stimulus associated with it on the previous task. Finally, on Phase 3 no stimulus was presented on the screen, during the first task-trials. Therefore, subjects choice on the second-task trials had to be made based only on subjects previous behavior pattern. Five subjects completed the experiment. All of them reached criterion on Phase 3, what was interpreted as the acquisition os self-discriminating responses. Results also showed that Phase 2 was the critical phase in this experiment, and that the feedback on the first task was a relevant variable affecting subjects performance on the second task


psicologia experimental auto-discriminação auto-relato controle de estímulos comportamento humano

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