Entre a pena e a espada : literatos e jacobinos nos primeiros anos da Republica (1889-1895)




The aim of this study is to ana1yze the perforrnance of a group of writes in Rio de Janeiro in the first years of the Republic. Writers such as Olavo Bilac, Pardal Mallet, Luís Murat and José do Patrocínio were strongly engaged in the abolitionist and republican campaigns, but suffered an intense reprisal during the govemment of Floriano Peixoto (1891-1894): between 1892 and 1893 they were caught, banished of the Rio and exiled because of the strong opposition they had offered against the govemment via the printed press. This study tries to show how the differences that appeared in that period had already been proclairned in the political fights for the Abolition and Republic. Throught the analysis of three small newspapers published by those writers between 1889 and 1892 it is possible to notice that they built individual projects by nation, progress, social organization and Republic. Those projects cOnITonteddirectly with the course tak:en by the republican regime since the govemment ofFloriano Peixoto


literatura - rio de janeiro (rj) imprensa - rio de janeiro (rj)

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