Entre instituições e representações : o que pensam os secretários e secretários adjuntos das comissões permamentes do Senado Federal?




What do the civil servants of the Brazilian Federal Senate think about politics, the Senate and themselves? How do the Secretaries and Deputies of the Senates Standing Committees, whose technical work is executed in a political House, see some elements of their reality? The purpose of this Masters research is both to explore the speeches of those civil servants and to understand the intermediation between individual and structure. For these purpose, the theories on institutionalism and representations are applied, mostly throughout their common elements and the possibility of dialog between them. The institutions were studied with special attention on their construction and configuration process through mental models. The Senates legal apparatus Federal Constitution, Internal Regiment and Administrative Regulations was observed in the three aspects of interest of this research, that being, the Senate, the politicians and the Houses civil servants themselves. The study on representations elucidated how the beliefs, values and ideas shared by a social body are part of the reality of the group itself. Finally, the empiric research was conducted by interviews and speech analysis of the Secretaries and Deputies of the Federal Senates Standing Committees, in order to explore and understand the interpretations shared by those civil servants.


senado federal outros federal senate instituições mental models representações representations institutions bureaucracy burocracia modelos mentais

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