Epidemiologia molecular da tuberculose entre pacientes infectados pelo virus da imunodeficiencia humana atendidos em um hospital universitario brasileiro




Objectives: The study was performed in order to evaluate the partems of TB transmission among HIV-infected patients artending to a reference Brazilian hospital and to evaluate the risk factors associated to TB recent transmission among persons HIV-infected. Methods: Retrospective, molecular (IS61l0-RFLP technique) and descriptive study involving HIV-infected patients with tuberculosis confmned by culture, ftom January 1996 through July 2001. Results: Tuberculosis was reported among 1596 patients; 560 out of these were HIV associated. Tuberculosis was bacteriologically confirmed in 254 (45.3%) HIV-infected individuaIs. Pulmonary involvement was predominant (81.1%), however AFB smear was positive in 37.9% of cases with pulmonary disease, and lung cavitations were seen in only 7.8% of cases. Tuberculosis was the AIDS-defming illness in 54.7% of cases. The IS61l0-RFLP of 109 M tubercu/osis isoIates identified 87 distinct genotyping partems; 13 clusters invoIving 35 (32.1%) patients were found. The number ofpatients in each cluster ranged from two to six. Nosocomial transmission was the probable source in five individuaIs. Conclusions: Recent transmission of M tubercu/osis could be demonstrated in approximately one third of HIV-infected patients. Epidemiologicallinks could only be evidenced in a small number of situations, strengthening the need of more extended and detaiIed contact tracing among hospitaIs reference centers for AIDS, in deveIoping countries


hiv (virus) tuberculose tuberculose - transmissão infecção hospitalar

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