Epidemiology of Antibiotic and Heavy Metal Resistance in Bacteria: Resistance Patterns in Staphylococci Isolated from Populations Not Known to be Exposed to Heavy Metals


Staphylococci were isolated from clinical specimens obtained from patients not known to be exposed to abnormal levels of heavy metals. The antibiotic and heavy metal resistance patterns of these strains were determined by using a disk diffusion test and computer sorting. Though not absolute, an association of resistance to mercury and tetracycline in coagulase-negative strains was found, in contrast to resistance to copper and penicillin in coagulase-producing strains. A high degree of correlation was observed between the resistance to phenyl mercury and inorganic mercury, but no correlation was obtained between resistance to methylmercury and other metals. In general, strains resistant to many agents were usually coagulase negative. A possible mechanism and implications of these associations are considered.

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