Epistasia e interação epistasia por locais para a produção de grãos em soja / Epistasis and epistasis by location interaction for grain yield in soybean




In soybean breeding programs the selfing progenies are generally evaluated as possible cultivars. The study of the structure of the genetic variation among progenies in different generations of selfing depends upon the action of the loci involved and the variability of the trait under study. In soybeans, grain yield is the most important trait and it is characterized by a quantitative inheritance and highly influenced by the environment. The selection strategies used for the development of soybean cultivars could be optimized through the study of the relative importance of the variance components, in particular the proportion of the non-allelic interaction component (epistasis). In order to study the epistatic variation and its interaction with locations for grain yield in soybeans the "Modified Triple Test Cross" (TTC) method (JINKS, PERKINS e BREESE, 1969) was used. A sample of 32 inbred lines (Pi) derived from a single cross were crossed with two divergent inbred lines (L1 e L2) of the same population (testers). The experiments were carried out in the 2006/2007 growing season in two locations (Piracicaba and Anhembi) in a 10x10 triple lattice design. Entries consisted of the 32 Pi x L1 crosses, 32 Pi x L2 crosses, 34 lines (Pi + 2 testers) and 2 commercial checks. Following the methodology, the contrasts ( i 2i 1i P L L - + ) were studied in order to evaluate the occurrence of epistasis. General results showed that epistasis affected grain yield in soybeans in both locations. Significance for locations, epistasis and epistais by locations interactions were also detected in the joint analysis of variance, indicating that grain yield in soybeans is affected by the non-allelic interaction (epistasis) and that the epistasis is not consistent in different locations. A study of the contrast ( i 2i 1i P L L - + ) of individual means for each location and in the joint analyses indicated the occurrence of differential contribution of the genotypes for the epistasis. General results had demonstrated that epistasis could be an important component for the expression of grain yield in soybeans and consequently it should be included in the model for the partition of the genetic components of variance.


epistasis by location interaction. epistasis grãos soja triple test cross melhoramento genético vegetal variação genética em plantas. soybean ttc

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