Equipe interdisciplinar em hospital geriátrico e gerontológico: (re)ligando ofícios? / Interdisciplinary team in geriatrics and gerontology hospital: (re)connecting disciplines?




This study stems from a personal attempt to discuss interdisciplinary concepts associated with a geriatric and gerontological hospital. It underscores the story of the researcher, sharing empirical experiences that were significant in the theoretical basis of the content, highlighting theoretical concepts and analyzing aspects that are relevant in the population aging process. It describes the so called conceptual references of interdisciplinarity and health, going into an epistemological basis as well as into the concept of team building, pointing out the inconsistencies of high specialization. It discusses the suggestions of continuous education for teams, the power of corporate communication in organizational culture and its relationship with interdisciplinarity. It suggests an organizational arrangement for a geriatrics and gerontology hospital defining its organizational objectives, the structure of teams and the mechanisms involved in the integration process


hospitais -- pessoal organizational culture saúde interdisciplinarity equipe interdisciplinar geriatrics and gerontology hospital servico social hospital geriátrico e gerontológico interdisciplinaridade interdisciplinary team health idosos -- assistencia hospitalar cultura organizacional

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