Escolha de arranjos preferenciais de serpentinas internas em tanques de mistura utilizando a fluido-sinamica computacional




Stirred tank reactors are extensively used in chemical industries to process low volume products of high value. Despite its importance, little is known about the performance of such systems. The mechanical configuration of the internals, in particular the impeller and the heat transfer surfaces, as well as mode of operation, have a deep effect in the flow. A deeper knowledge of the behaviour of such systems may provide ways to improve the mechanical designoThe aim of this study is to analyse the experimentalgeometry of a stirred tank reactor with a Rushton turbine impeller and helical coils according to the work of Oldshue and Gretton (1954), since this kind of configuration is still employed in reactor design in our days. Previous work criticised the experimental apparattus because it employs coils at the same height of the impeller blades. The simulated results showed that it is possible to modify vessel shape and coil helix which lead to designs consistent with better mixing and heat transfer. This work uses the CFX 4.1 fluid dynamics package for the calculations. The model calculates the three velocities in a two dimensional mesh for laminar flow. The software uses fínite volumes with colocalized variables and body fitted coordinates. Simulation results with varying vessel shapes and coil positions led to the determination of optimized designs with more efficient temperature control and better heat transfer coefficient, which allows reduced energy operating costs


fluxo laminar dinamica dos fluidos chemical reactors calor - transmissão heat transfer fluid dynamics laminar flow reatores quimicos - projetos

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