Escrita de diário e subjetividade : análise do discurso de adolescentes sobre sexualidade


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The sexual behavior of adolescents has been a frequent concern of the families and schools. The large number of early pregnancy intrigue specialists, as one never spoke both in prevention as nowadays, and even then, the number of pregnant teenagers is increasing. The objective of this study is to contribute to research in the field of education, with regard to cross-cutting themes of the NCP, specifically in relation to the prevention of early pregnancy. Search will reflect on the thinking of adolescent girls, what they think about dating and sex; as the speeches of the schools, friends and the medias influence on their decisions. To do this, students were asked to eighth set of elementary school and first year of high school which show through the writing of the diary, gender familiar to girls and their interest. It was considered a corpus consists of those listed, supporting up by the analysis of the speech line by the French and Psychoanalysis. The hypothesis is that, despite the information, the occurrence of early pregnancy were due to the fact that adolescents are heavily marked by socio-historical moment that encourages behavior post-modern immediate satisfaction of desires. Preliminary results show that the teenagers know about methods to prevent and treat showed up, and subject of desire, enjoyment of the subject: that is not subject interdicting, not prevent and go beyond the principle of pleasure. Many girls see as a natural early sexual initiation, which are reporting questioned by sexual liberation, probably spread by the media. The girls have imagined that the first time a girl should be special, quiet, with conscience and with whom it is like, that is, show a romanticism inspired by movies or stories of love that is not always true. It was observed that there is a great possibility that the discourses on sexual orientation are not passed on the subject that it is, now post-modern, as subject of desire and enjoyment of the subject. The girls appear to be internalising these words, a situation that encourages sexual initiation, they are vulnerable, among others, to early pregnancy. Beyond the initial hypothesis, the analysis allowed the revelation of two categories are subject postmodern: subject of desire, and knows that metaforiza postpone; subject of enjoyment which offers a subject pulse of enjoyment of others and ignores the risks that can lead in the death of the subject psychic.


adolescentes diário análise do discurso sujeito do desejo sujeito do gozo adolescents daily analysis of speech subject of desire enjoyment of the subject linguistica aplicada

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