Espaços de visibilidade : trajetórias possíveis no campo literário brasileiro




This thesis aims to analyze the paths taken from two contemporary Brazilian writers, Jair Vitória and Sérgio SantAnna, both were published in the Seventies and in the Eighties, by editora Ática, in a collection called Autores Brasileiros. Those two writers have followed much different careers and paths inside the Brazilian literary field. Sérgio SantAnna is today, one of the consecrated names in Brazilian literature, with books translated to other languages and adaptations for the cinema and theater. Jair Vitória, although being published in the same collection that SantAnna participated, wasnt legitimated in the literary field. The differences in their literary paths, according to this thesis, are that extra-literary aspect, such as family origin, privileged experiences, like the access to education and cultural products, and contacts with the agents from the literary and intellectual field, in the Seventies and in the Eighties, and today. Obviously, the position of each of those writers has influenced their reportorial choices and formal experiences. It is possible to observe that the extra-literary aspects influenced the literary ones. It is still an aim to this thesis show the characteristics of the Autores Brasileiros collection, its changes throughout its publication more than ten years and its real contribution as a legitimated agent for the unknown writers inside the Brazilian literary field.


literatura brasileira brazilian literary field coleção autores brasileiros jair vitória sérgio santanna jair vitória autores brasileiros collection editora Ática editora Ática campo literário brasileiro sérgio santanna

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