Estado, projetos politicos e trajetorias individuais : um estudo com as lideranças homossexuaisna cidade de São Paulo




The present work is an attempt to understand the gay and lesbian movement in the city of São Paulo. From the perspective of the debates on social movements, citizenship and identity politics, it intends to analyze the political projects, presents in the perceptions of gay and lesbian leaderships and understand which factors explain the adhesion, of these leaderships, to a given project. The main hypothesis is that certain aspects of individual trajectories (such as affiliations to political parties and social movements, professional experiences, contacts with State agencies, the moment of affiliation to the gay and lesbian movement among others) explain the support of these leaderships to a given project. The research aims to collaborate with the debate on democratic construction, State-civil society relations and the intricate relations between culture and politics in the beginning of the century


social movements cidadania - brasil homosexual liberation movement brazil politica e cultura brazil politics and culture sexual identity identidade sexual citizenship movimento de liberação homossexual movimentos sociais - brasil

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